These five daily habits I use in my life help me face and tolerate the craziness and chaos that comes with living in this world. After reading this, I hope you find they help you as well.
     If you are sitting at your desk, you can simply sit back, close your eyes, or sit back eat your lunch, and essentially take a break for 10-15 minutes and relax. Chill. No text messages, No checking emails or posts. If you have a lunch break, TAKE IT. If at home, sitting at your kitchen table, looking out of your bay window, eating, chew slowly, take in that moment. Take a sabbath in your day. I am always pleasantly surprised when I do this habit during the day at my desk as it energizes me and helps me take on the rest of the day.
     Water, while it energizes and refreshes you, also detoxes you making your liver, kidneys, lips, skin and other vital organs very happy. With most of us running around all day doing this and that, we hardly get a chance to eat, less more drink water. But try hard and be intentional about carrying a water bottle with you, sipping on it all day. Yes, if possible, drink at least eight glasses or cups of water or half your body weight in water ounces daily, but most of us won’t or can’t do that. And there’s the whole bathroom thing. I got a 40-42 ounce water bottle recently as a Christmas gift. I love it. I keep it at my desk, full of water to which I add lemon juice. Lemon juice detoxes and works as a diuretic.  Fortunately, for me, the office I use right now has a bathroom in it.
     It is best if you can eat three small good meals a day, taking them in about every three to six hours. This will help keep your energy up and brain powered. But busy people such as us barely get in one good meal. Everyone has their issues, ‘I don’t eat breakfast. I only eat one meal a day. I don’t eat after a  certain hour.’ And all that’s fine. But when you do eat, put a protein and a complex carbohydrate on the table, in your mouth. The protein adds brain and thinking power and the complex carb encourages fullness, energy and necessary nutrients. If you cannot get a meal in, then do appropriate snacking with those snacks you can eat on the go, hold in your hand: nuts, bananas, apples, grapes and other fruits. I like pears, particularly BOSCH pears. I bring them to work in a zip lock baggie. I love BOSCH pears. They are sweet, juicey, hand holdable with an easy bite. They are full of fiber and keep me full between meals.
     No, you don’t have to do a full on cardio, strength, weight training killing yourself routine during the day. But, IF POSSIBLE, you can park your car some ways away from the entrance to get your steps in. You can take the stairs instead of the elevators. You can push back from your desk, stretch, stand up, move around, getting your body energized. You can take a walk for lunch instead of eating that greasy fatty burger. These small changes in your day help beat the midday fatigue that can make the day drag on.
     I journal daily. It keeps me grounded. And for me, if I write it down, I feel as if I got it out of my head. I feel a sense of relief. It relaxes me. I have a simple black and white notebook I use. Nothing fancy smancy. I have loads of them. I have been journaling for years. You can use the same to jot down a thought, an idea, a conversation you want to have with a particular person, write a paragraph, draw a picture, doodle, rewrite a scripture or you can have a journal for a specific reason. A gratitude journal for instance. Is being thankful healthy? That’s what Robert A. Emmons of the University of California, Davis campus and Michael  E. McCullough of the University of Miami wanted to know. In the course of their studies, they asked participants to keep gratitude journals. They found that people experienced improved physical, emotional and mental health, leading to less depression, improved positive attitudes and increased energy when gratitude journals were kept. When you are thankful, but still aware of the negative elements in your life, you are better able to cope when things go wrong.
five daily healthy habits to incorporate in your day as I have to help keep you grounded, positive and energized to better handle what comes at you in this chaotic world.

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