Acid reflux aka heartburn occurs when stomach acid or bile flows back up into the esophagus, leaving one with a burning sensation in their throat or chest. If this happens regularly, it could be GERD, gastro esophageal reflux disease.
The first choice one may have when experiencing these symptoms is to run to the nearest drug store, to their medicine cabinet or to me, a healthcare provider, requesting antacids such as TUMS, ROLAIDS or MYLANTA. But I am asking you to consider FIRST holistic treatments for your symptoms BEFORE grabbing a pill:
1-drink a full glass of water, about 8-10 ounces, before eating.
2-refrain from eating fatty, greasy, spicy foods.
3-eat smaller meals.
4-chew slower to aid in digestion.
5-raise the head of your bed or place pillows under your head.
6-refrain from drinking carbonated, caffienated drinks, i.e. sodas.
7-DO NOT SMOKE. If you drink alcohol, do it moderately.
Acid reflux happens over time. It occurs when the sphincter muscle that sits below the esophagus relaxes at the wrong time.
Risk factors include:
1-slow or prolonged stomach emptying.
2-an hiatal hernia.
5-and the one we know all too well, stress.
Some of the symptoms can include:
1-chronic dry cough.
2-noncardiac chest pain.
3-sensation of a lump in your throat.
4-difficulty swallowing.
5-a sore throat.
6-dental corrosion.
7-a hoarse voice.
The lining of the esophagus can become eroded or ulcerated if acid reflux symptoms continue. Other complications include BARRETT’S ESOPHAGUS which is a precursor to the dreaded esophageal cancer.
As mentioned earlier, quick relief treatments include TUMS, ROLAIDS and MYLANTA. These are antacids. Acid reducers or HISTAMINE H2 BLOCKERS are TAGAMENT, PROTONIX and AXID. While these don’t act quickly, they do provide longer relief. They reduce the amount of acid produced via the stomach lining. Proton pump inhibitors or acid blockers are PREVACID, PRILOSEC and NEXIUM. These blocking agents allow the esophageal tissue to heal. But, they can aggravate headaches, diarrhea and reduce the levels of magnesium and vitamin b12 in the body.
One of my galpals says she’s had GERD since the 1990s and helps arrest the symptoms by taking NEXIUM. But she says it boils down to a paleo-type eating plan which involves fruits and low carbohydrates.
This parallels what I mentioned earlier: consider holistic, complimentary methods before taking a pill. However, you want to see either a primary care provider and/or a gastroenterologist if you are taking any of the aforementioned medications at least twice weekly, often.
Watch the accompanying video: JUDILJONES@BETTERTIPSFORYOU on YOUTUBE.